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When will the prep course take place?

The maths prep course is scheduled to take place from September 13, 2021, to October 8, 2021 Monday through Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.

What topics will be covered in the prep course?

In the prep course, we will cover the following topics:

  • Formal Languages
  • Logic
  • Proofs
  • Sets and relations
  • Induction

For students of which subjects is the preparatory course intended?

We recommend that you attend the preparatory course if you are going to start or have just started your (bachelor’s) studies in one of the following courses:

  • Computer Science / Informatik (including teacher studies)
  • Cybersecurity / Cybersicherheit
  • Wirtschaftsinformatik
  • Data Science and Artificial Intelligence
  • Medieninformatik
  • Computerlinguistik
  • Bioinformatik
  • Eingebettete Systeme
  • Mathematik und Informatik

Additionally, if you plan on taking any modules in Computer Science during your studies, you might also want to participate.

Do I have to take the prep course if I want to study a computer science-related subject?

No. The prep course is not part of the degree program. The prep course is a student-led optional offering to prepare you for your studies.

My field of study is not listed above. Is there another prep course that is suitable for me?

Unfortunately, we cannot make a recommendation for this. Nevertheless, on the website of the university (in German) you can find other offers. If you are in doubt, you can ask at the Student Counselling or your department.

My subject is not listed above. However, I would still like to take this prep course. Can I do that?

Generally, yes. We have no rules prohibiting students from other majors from attending. However, you should consider whether this makes sense for you. For example, this might be the case if you plan to take computer science modules during your studies. If you are unsure, feel free to drop us a line at kontakt@vorkurs.cs.uni-saarland.de.

Please note: The prep course is an offer to help first-year students to get started in a computer science-related study. Especially for students from other majors, the following applies: If you start our preliminary course, we expect a certain commitment. The prep course is not a taster course in computer science, you should have the intention to attend the prep course seriously and completely.

In what language will the prep course be offered?

Unfortunately, this year’s preparatory course will probably be offered predominantly in German only. However, we are working on being able to offer an English-speaking course as well. We will keep you updated here.

Do I have to be enrolled at the university to register?

No, if you are not yet enrolled at Saarland University at the time of registration, this is not a problem. However, you should plan to start your studies in the winter semester at Saarland University.

Can I take part in the preparatory course if I am not going to study or study at another university?

No, you can only take part in the preparatory course if you will be enrolled at Saarland University in the coming winter semester, or if you already are.

I am starting a master’s program in a computer science-related subject. Can I take part in the preparatory course?

Rather no, the preparatory course is actually aimed at beginner Bachelor students. Since you are enrolling in a master’s program in Saarbrücken, you have probably completed a bachelor’s program in a computer science-related subject. It is up to your assessment of your knowledge of the basics described above whether you want to participate in the preparatory course or not. However, you would probably be very under-challenged, which is why we generally advise against it.

I would like to withdraw from the preparatory course.

Please send us a message at kontakt@vorkurs.cs.uni-saarland.de. If the prep course has already started, you can also let your coach know.

Unfortunately, I cannot attend the preparatory course at short notice. Can I still access the materials?

Yes, all materials will be published on the website during the prep course. Please register for the course as usual. Please inform your coach - you will find out shortly before the start of the prep course who that is - that you will not attend. This way we can take it into account in our planning.

I am prevented from attending for a few days during the prep course. Is that okay?

Yes, missing a few days (e.g. due to apartment hunting in Saarbrücken) is no problem. However, the more you miss, the more difficult it will be to follow the material. We cover new material every day, i.e. material that you have missed due to absence, you have to work on independently. As later in your studies, it is easy to get lost if you do not keep up. Please let your coach - you will find out shortly before the start of the prep course who that is - know on which days you will not be attending.

How and where will the prep course take place?

The prep course will probably take place as a live online format. Attendance in Saarbrücken will therefore not be necessary.

Depending on the current situation at the beginning of the preparatory course and the associated organizational effort for us, non-virtual events may also take place. We’ll keep you up to date here.

What does “live online format” mean?

The various elements of the prep course will probably all take place as a video conference. Partly with us (e.g. lecture and tutorial), partly as independent group work in small groups.

What software and hardware do I need to participate in the prep course?

To participate, you will need at least a computer / mobile phone / tablet with internet connection. A microphone (in some form; can also be via smartpone) is also necessary, otherwise you will have a hard time communicating with your fellow students during group work and tutorials. A webcam is not strictly necessary but would also be of advantage.

The software we will use should be installable on any computer, tablet or cell phone (whether Windows, Linux, Mac OS, iOS, Android). We will probably use Zoom and Discord.

When registering, I was asked for my university semester, what should I enter?

This information is collected because our course system (CMS) is designed for lectures where this information is relevant. For us, it doesn’t matter what you enter there, for example simply 0.

I have now received my matriculation number, but the CMS (course system) still has the old number. Can you change it?

We could, but it is not necessary. Since there are no credit points or similar for the preparatory course, the matriculation number is not relevant for us.

Does the preparatory course cost money?

No. The mathematics preparatory course is free of charge.

My question does not appear above.

No problem, just ask your question in the forum or send us a message to kontakt@vorkurs.cs.uni-saarland.de.

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